Young Explorers


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For Upper Elementary students (6th and 7th grade)

Class Schedule: 06/22/2021 to 08/17/2022
Attention: It is a recurring class, which means we will have class on each week from June 22 to August 17.

Price included material tax.



Young Explorers program covers advanced concepts of electricity, alternate energy, and 8 simple mechanics tailored to upcoming 5th to 8th graders. Two new kits along with a unique curriculum will be provided for each Young Explorer participant. The included kits are Snap Circuits Green and Simple Machines by Engino. With the Snap Circuits Green, we will teach the students the concepts of alternate energy by giving them hands-on experiments that show how to use environmentally friendly energy sources, including Hydro Power, Wind Power, Solar Power, Geothermal Energy, Nuclear Energy, Chemical Energy, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells and more. They will also be taught the practical application of each of these forms of alternate energy. Using the Simple Machines kit, the students will learn about multiple mechanical concepts like levers and linkages, cams and cranks, gears and worm drives, and axles and inclined planes, to name a few. The cost of this program is $150.


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